Programming for Parents with Infants and Toddlers (ages 0-1, 1 hour)

Programming For Parents With Infants And Toddlers (Ages 0-1, 1 Hour)

Programming for Parents with Infants and Toddlers (ages 0-1, 1 hour)

Programming for parents and babies in the library is relatively new. Parents with newborns are in a class by themselves; when librarians understand the issues facing new parents, they can create optimal learning environments that are just as nurturing for parents as for their infants. Because the architecture of the brain is formed in the earliest years of life and the warmth of parent-child relations has an effect on the child's early development, offering quality programs is important.

Learn how to present research-based programs for this audience by identifying popular elements to include, exploring recommended activities, creating welcoming communities, and using developmental tips that are easy-to-understand without being condescending.

All participants should have a doll or stuffed animal available for use during the webinar.

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