More Research Findings on Goslings I’m delighted to report that Dr. Brenda Hussey-Gardner has just published a new article regarding on-going research about MGOL: Goslings. The cost of each “kit” that went home with each Goslings family was $55; Brenda…
60 Tips in 60 minutes
Ramon Robinson at ALA Editions put together a panel for the 2024 Annual ALA Conference called “60 Tips in 60 minutes” . I was honored to be asked to be one of the presenters, and even happier to hear that…
Hatchlings in the nest songs
Hatchlings In the Nest Songs Talk, Sing, Share Books, and Play Sung by Cen Campbell If You’re Happy and You Know It Since I Love You Very Much Old Mother Goose There are Bubbles in the Air It’s Raining, It’s…
Ready to Hatch songs and rhymes
Ready to Hatch Songs & Rhymes (Sung by Cen Campbell, Children’s Librarian extraordinaire) Talk, Sing, Share Books, and Play Hello Everybody Hello Sun I’ve Got Something In My Pocket (A YouTube video showing this Girl Scout song in action can be…
In the Nest Videos
In the Nest Videos Songs and Rhymes by Barbara Cass-Beggs 1, 2, 3 Baby On My Knee Bells Away Bye Bye Song Eye Winker, Tom Tinker Here’s a Ball for Baby I Can Ring, Ring-ting-tingle I Have Ten Little Fingers…
Developmental Tips & Building Children’s Skills
Developmental Tips & Building Children’s Skills Parents and caregivers spend more time with their children than librarians do. Giving short “developmental tips” to parents during a program explains what you are doing, why you are doing it (the benefit to…
in the nest
In the Nest
In the Nest Welcome aboard! We are delighted that you will offer the Hatchlings: In the Nest program in your community. We designed In the Nest for parents of newborns (from birth to four months old). It is best offered weekly,…
Children and Climate Change
Did you know that children are uniquely vulnerable to health impacts caused by climate change? Climate change affects all of us, and recent studies point to the adverse effects it has on children. There is a movement to untie early…