2017 Oct Play Kentucky


Betsy is looking forward to her workshop in Kentucky!


These are the hand-outs for the training. Please note that you are responsible for printing 1 copy per participant:

  1. 15 Reasons to Encourage Play
  2. Play Programmng Packet
  3. Play Evaluation Form
  4. Slides for PowerPoint Note-taking

Supplemental Materials

Here are room set-up instructions and a list of items for the workshops.
(equipment needed, and recommended books to put on display – if possible)

Room Setup for Play Workshop
Checklist for of Items to Supply For the Play Workshop

These are the 4 handouts for your workshop.  Please print one of each handout per participant.  Thank you!

 If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact  us:  Jen@mgol.org  or Betsy at 443-928-3195