Yale University has been doing interesting research on babies’ memories. They’ve found that babies’ brains use “general patterns to help them understand and predict the surrounding environment.” This includes patterns of sounds that make up the words in a language.…
The MGOL app
My daughter, Maya, is currently living in Chile and she is doing a lot of work for Mother Goose on the Loose. She has been contacting librarians who are doing virtual MGOL sessions, asking them for permission to post their…
Ready to Hatch Survey
MGOL during COVID-19
First MGOL Goslings Training
New books and an interview
I am delighted to announce that two new books of mine have been published by ALA Editions. The first one is an update of my original MGOL Manual and the second is called Mother Goose on the Loose: Here, There, and…
Attending the SRCD Conference
Last week I attended the biennial conference of the Society for Research in Child Development where I heard some of the latest research findings. In my MGOL trainings, I mention some studies that show how infants are preprogrammed to connect…