Yesterday, I had the pleasure of reading a book by Judi Moreillon. Ready and Waiting for You (illustrated by Catherine Stock) is much more than the average “prepare for kindergarten” book. The loving tone and multi-cultural characters in this book…
You have a great idea! Now get it published! (Webinar alert!)
Julie Dietzel-Glair, Kathy MacMillan and I have prepared a webinar for the Maryland Library Association. We were supposed to present it last week, but due to the snow, the webinar has been rescheduled to Thursday, March 5, from 2-3 pm.…
New book published: The Power of Play
Yesterday, I finished reading a hot-off-the-press book, published by ALA Editions called The Power of Play: Designing Early Learning Spaces by Dorothy Stoltz (an outreach librarian), Marisa Conner (a specialist in early childhood education), and James Bradberry (a designer) and I immediately…
MGOL for Preschoolers
I recently completed a 5 week series of MGOL sessions for some Baltimore County preschoolers and their parents, at a local early childhood center. In addition to having a great time, the power of MGOL to change family dynamics was…
New Survey
I am hoping to start a research project on the effects of MGOL, and would like to get some feedback about the use of the trainings after some time has passed. Here is a link to a very short online…
A message from a former MGOL facilitator
At the ALSC Conference in Oakland, I met Beth Wren, a lecturer at San Jose State Univeristy iSchool. She had such wonderful things to say about MGOL that I asked if she would feel comfortable sending me an email which…
Join us at the “unconference” for seasoned MGOL facilitators
Have you been running Mother Goose on the Loose programs for parents with babies and toddlers for more than one year, two years, three years….? *Are you looking for new material to use?*Would you like to share some successful activities…
California, here I come!
It’s been a busy season for Mother Goose on the Loose. Following two MGOL workshops in Virginia, two Mother Goose on the Loose trainings were presented at Port Discovery Children’s Museum in Baltimore. One was the traditional training workshop; the…
School Library Journal mentions MGOL in an article about music
School Library Journal just published an article called “Why Music Matters.” Three paragraphs are devoted to Mother Goose on the Loose! Check it out by clicking on the article title or on the link below:
Visit Mother Goose on the Loose, Vegas style!
Mother Goose will be on the Loose in Las Vegas for the American Library Association. Mother Goose on the Loose will be at table 1782 in the exhibit hall of thes: Exhibit Hours Friday, June 27 5:30pm – 7:00pm* Saturday,…