Mother Goose on the Loose is “a typical public library program for babies, parents, and caregivers”

A survey sent out by the ALSC Early Childhood Programs and Services Committee (ECPS) contained questions regarding current efforts by public libraries to serve parents/caregivers and their babies.  Although responses showed that programs varied significantly in frequency, attendance, and length, in a recent article in Children and Libraries, the following quote was used to “best exemplify the typical public library program for babies, parents and caregivers:

We hold Mother Goose on the Loose once a week.  It is a drop-in program usually attended by ten to fifteen babies and at least one parent/caregiver per child. The purpose is to increase early literacy and social skills in a relaxed, fun environment and to model and teach methods, activities, songs, and rhymes for parents/caregivers.” (Nemec 2011, 20)

Check it out at: Nemec, Jenna. “It’s (Still) Never Too Early to Start!” Children and Libraries 9:3, Winter 2011, 15-21.