Ramon Robinson at ALA Editions put together a panel for the 2024 Annual ALA Conference called "60 Tips in 60 minutes" . I was honored to be asked to be one of the presenters, and even happier to hear that my dear friend, Dorothy Stoltz was going to be a presenter also. The other presenters were Hilda Weisburg, Becky Calzada, Val Edwards, and Maegan Heindel. We all worked well together and got such great reviews that were asked to turn it into a webinar.
The webinar was advertised widely and took place last week. According to Ramon, this was their most well-attended program yet!
If you'd like to see the entire presentation, it is now available on YouTube: 60 Tips for School and Youth Services in 60 Minutes - YouTube. I am the 4th presenter and Dorothy is the 5th.