Bilingual Storytimes: Spanish/English



Bienvenidos padres entiendo que los niños de esta edad no se están quietos y esto está perfectamente bien, solo pido que los padres que limiten a sus hijos pasar en esta área de en frente donde tengo los materiales para el cuento.


Welcome parents, children this age don’t sit perfectly still and that it is ok, however if they come within the area in front of the felt board, parents should come and get them.





Jump Up, Bend Down

Jump Up, bend down, move side to side and spin all around

Stretch real high to reach the sky, bend down and touch the ground.

Jump up, bend down, move side to side and spin all around

Stretch real high to reach the sky, bend down and touch the ground.


 Two Little Feet

Two little feet go stamp, stamp, stamp

Two little hands go clap, clap, clap

One little body stands up straight

One little body goes round and round

One little body sits quietly down.



Fruit/Frutas Publisher: Milet Limited c2011

Book with actual fruit and plastic props

Fruit props were used for this story

Apple Banana
Orange Pineapple
Apricot Avocado
Blueberry Peach
Grapefruit Pear
Grape Cherry
Kiwi Pomegranate
Mandarin Mango
Raspberry Watermelon
Strawberry Mel


Body Rhymes

Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes

Head, shoulders, knees and toes

Knees and toes


Cabeza, Hombros, Rodillas, y Pies

Cabeza, hombros, rodillas, y pies

rodillas y pies

Cabeza, hombros, rodillas, y pies

 rodillas y pies

Ojos, orejas, boca y nariz

Cabeza, hombros, rodillas, y pies

Rodillas y pies


Instruments & Song

We Ring Our Bells Together

We ring our bells together,

We ring our bells together,

We ring our bells together because it’s fun to do!

We ring our bells together,

We ring our bells together,

We ring our bells together because it’s fun to do!

Ring them up high, (alter voice in a high pitch)

Ring them down low, (alter voice in a low pitch)

Ring them in the middle…

… because it’s fun to do.

Book: No more, Por favor by Susan Middleton Elya

Fruit props were used for this story









Goodbye Song

We clap goodbye like this….

We clap goodbye like this

With our friends at storytime

We clap goodbye like this

We stomp goodbye like this…

We stomp goodbye like this

With our friends at storytime

We stomp goodbye like this

We wave goodbye like this….

We wave goodbye like this

With our friends at storytime

We wave goodbye like this.


An interview with Gloria Melchor:

Please describe the setting in which you presented the adaptation of MGOL.

MGOL has been and will continue to be presented in the children’s area of the library.


What prompted you to create an adapted version of MGOL?

A variety of reasons, the first has to do with fulfilling a need. For the past four years we have carried out a successful homework and reading help program for kids 12 and younger. This created a need to provide a program that would target the youngest of this program. However, our space and staff was limited and we’re therefore only able to accommodate one program. Last year however, we moved into a temporary location so that our library could be renovated. At our new location we had room to provide a program (MGOL/Storytime) concurrent to homework and reading help.


What adaptations did you need to make to fit the setting and why?

Our temporary location allowed us to provide what was needed to engage the younger siblings of those attending homework help. In our children’s area we have a table, chairs and 3 children’s computer set up. For MGOL/Storytime we move the table and chairs and disable the children’s computers for the duration of the program. Also, because the area that we serve is predominantly Hispanic with parents of those visiting the library being only Spanish speakers we knew that the program we had needed to be bilingual in order to include parents.


Was registration required? If so, how many participants was it limited to?  How many people generally attended?

Registration is not required for MGOL/storytime. On average we have between 6-10 children with 4-6 parents.


Who was the session for? (ages of children, were parents there,  etc..)

Children ages birth to 4 years and parents.


What did you need to do to prepare for the sessions?  (i.e. was any special equipment needed? if so, what?  Did you have hand-outs for participants? If so, can you attach an example?)

The only special equipment that is used is a magnetic flannel easel on wheels. One side has a flannel surface and the other a magnetic dry erase surface.


Did you use any props in addition to the typical MGOL props? 



Where were your props stored?

Props are stored in between the easel during the program and in our programming storage closet when not in use.


Were there one or two favorite songs/rhymes/activities? If so, what?

The song head, shoulders, knees, and toes/cabeza, hombros, rodillas y pies sung both in English and Spanish is always a favorite, as is the colored scarves activity.


Was any follow-up done on the programs? (any surveys or anecdotal evidence that the program had some type of impact? If so, what?)

Parents express their gratitude for having a program for kids their age.


What did you feel was one of the most successful parts of the program?

Apart from seeing that children are visibly having a good time, it’s also seeing how much the mothers enjoy talking to one another. They share advice, stories, and plans.


If there is anything that I did not ask but you would like to tell me, please feel free to do so!

I am somewhat of a newbie when it comes to planning storytimes, working with children and leading programs such as MGOL. My focus in library school was archives and so at times this can feel like a stretch for me. However, I will say that I am trying my best, learning as I go and have enjoyed this program immensely. I am grateful to work for this community and also thankful I can use my Spanish on a daily basis.